Sunday, April 22, 2007

From Judy Valyo

I just read Vava's blog and wanted to send her my support. I've never met Vava personally but have heard so many great stories about her from Setelo. Please let her know that I'm thinking and praying for her during these "icky times."

Please also send my love to Marty & Ki. And last, but not least, to you and all of the extended Cole family, I send all my love and support.

Be well......Love, Judy Valyo

Thursday, April 12, 2007

From Gretchen

Hey Vavastic!

The hair cut is superb! And it's great to see a smile on your face. I just returned from a trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico where I got to play in the snow and in the sun only to return with a nasty, nasty cold so until it's all cleared up, I shan't come see you. Bummer!

But know that my thoughts are with you daily and I hope your continued treatment and recovery go as planned. It must be great to be home!

Can't wait to see you when I'm over this bug!

Take care,

"You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!'" - Dave Barry

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

From Cousin Martha in Mexico

cousin marty, ki and vava,

horray! horay! you sprung the hospital and you're HOME!! i am so glad. the two weeks in the hospital must have felt like an eternity.

vava, you have so many wonderful friends. i have enjoyed reading on your blog about all the ways they are supportive. by the way, i like the hair cut. very sophisticated, my dear.

we are going to start our trip north on monday and be home at the end of april. thsese months in mexico have been so rich in expereince.

you miss vava, will be in my thoughts and prayers as you get better and better. and marty and ki, you too!!! you 3 are held in loving hands.

love, cousin martha

Saturday, April 7, 2007

From Cousin Ann in Redding

What a sultry new do, Vava! You look like a "vamp" from the 40's (I think, as I wasn't alive at the time). Glad you're home. We will keep checking in to your blog site!

Cousin Ann

Friday, April 6, 2007

peggy said...

Va-I love your haircut!!!!You look just like Natalie Portman-I had a cut like that when I was about 16-not nearly as gorgeous as it is on you!Tink has been yipping your name-she is really missing you!It sounds like you will be seeing each other soon.....bunches of love,peg and brianxoxox

From Cousins R.B. and Carol in Mineral

Hi Vava ... A couple of Photos of your trip to Mineral years ago. One with cousin Jeannie McClellan on her horse, one with the group helping me clear out Rocks where our yard was to be, and one showing how the same areas looked last summer, oh and a silly one of your Mom. Tell your Mom & Dad to bring you to Mineral again when you are done with all of this. We are thinking about you a lot. Uncle Rock, Uncle Don, Ann & Fred and everyone else here related to you say Hello Hello. ... Love cuz RB

Thursday, April 5, 2007

From Naomi

Hi Vava!

I miss seeing you acting bored, doing your homework, or dancing in the Fine Arts department these days! (not to mention missing having your mom's smiling face and laughter around)! I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling so crummy, but I was thinking that you may now be able to convince your mom to let you have those rolling shoes you wanted (but don't tell her Isaid so). I hear you are really gathering some loot these days! Well, please let me know if there's anything in particular that you need (ie. want) in the way of music or books or goofy stuff in general, as I would be happy to bring you something. Hopefullyall the poking, probing and prodding is coming to an end and you can start with your treatment. I know it's going to be tough, but you'll come through it and get to feel so much better. I'm sending you good thoughts and vibes and energy and all that good stuff. Miss you!

-love, Naomi (ie. "the other Naomi" -- the new one -- since I'm not supposed to use last names andthere are two of us who work with your mom!)

l.n.hough said...

Dearest Vava-I am so sorry about your health problems but know that you will conquer all, and be better, stronger, and even more fantastic when you emerge healthy. You have so much love all around you- please know that you are in my thoughts and that I will be coming to Seattle for a visit soon. In the meantime, know that you are loved and believed in. XOXO LeeLee

Laurie said...

Vava, Hi, I am thinking of you and your mom and dad soooooooooooooooo much!! It sounds like the love and support surrounding you is incredible, and it does not surprise me a bit!! I am hoping I can see you soon, and in the meantime, I am sending lots of love your way. Laurie

Alan G said...

Hi VavaIts Alan from England.Just a line to say my family and I are thinking of you - can you feel the power?I would have sent a silly picture but I am tooooo mature (yeh right!)You see you are famous everywhere.Alan

lisakartiganer said...

Hi Vava and Marty and Ki,We are so grateful to be able to read the blog every day to know what is going on. It is hard to not push to come everyday especially for Ani since we all want to be with you to connect and give some support. Please know we are always thinking about you. We would like to get a visit in when convenient before we go to Hawaii on Tuesday. It is going to be difficult being away but we now have decided to take the laptop after all to keep up on Vava's progress. We will send postcards and souveniers - maybe a little sand? Got anything you are yearning for Vava? It was nice to meet some more of your family on Sunday and to see the room filled with cards and presents. Vava looked great and was her funny self. Lots of love to all of you from the Kartiganer/Schroeter clan. Lisa

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Joy said

Hi Vava,

Just want you to know that I am thinking about you and praying for you every day!--bunches of times. I read at your website that you have a great new haircut. I think I will fix a favorite dinner of my kids when they were growing up for you. Hope you will like it. I'll find out the schedule.

That's all for now. I'm pulling for you and know that you're a great person and that everything will turn out not just ok, but the best!

Love to you and to your mom and dad.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Gretchen Dietz said

Hey V2,
This is from one of your previously obnoxious teachers (not to be confused with your current obnoxious teachers!). You've been in my thoughts, little one, and yes, even my prayers. That's a pretty big statement from a lifelong atheist, but of late, I've found amazing comfort and power in prayer -- for you, for Emma, and for another dear friend who is also battling cancer as I type.

You are a fighter. You have always been a fighter and I have no doubt that this cancer doesn't stand a chance against your amazing spirit, your unmatchable (is that a word?) ability to love, and your downright gnarly sense of humor. Laugh, I say, at your cancer and tip your finger at it like only you can do..."oh no you won't" I can hear you say and I bet that cancer will just curl up and hide in a corner.

All silliness aside, you have a big battle ahead of you. Please know that I am pulling for you and that everyone at SGS is pulling for you. I know you'll get tired over the coming months. I know you'll want to just get nasty with everyone around you, but I hope you can remember what you taught me last year -- "Ah, Gretchen," you'd devilishly smile at me, and then you'd laugh until tears sprinkled down your face. Yes, you taught me how important it is to laugh, that it truly is the best medicine, and extremely contagious.

Sending prayers your way, kiddo!

Lots of love,

Monday, April 2, 2007

Nick Said

me being goofey inside Jewel cave A picture from inside Lake Cave.

The shark I accidentally caught. Yikes!

Dear Vava, > > >Hello from Down Under! I am writing to you at this moment from the >wonderful, exciting and sometimes strange country of Australia. I am on >vacation here with for three weeks and I am spending my time exploring, >surfing, fishing and sitting in the sun getting a sunburn. >I have also just heard from Elizabeth that you are going through a >difficult and scary time right now and wanted to write to you and let >you know that even though I am thousand of miles away in a foreign >country I am thinking about you and sending my prayers and my good >thoughts up through the clouds and stars to you. I have never been >through anything like you are going through and I cannot imagine how >overwhelming, frightening, and painful it must be. But I also remember >and know that you are very brave, courageous and you have the kind of >spirit it takes to face this kind of challenge and overcome it. I can >remember the times we were all at Priest Lake in Idaho and playing >around the campground, you were always so excited for new adventure, >trying new things and taking new risks and always laughing through it >all. Be strong Vava, I know you will make it through this. > >I don't want my entire email to you to be all serious and heavy, so >I'll tell you about some of my adventures in Australia and maybe it >will help take your mind away from all the doctors wanting to poke and >prod at you. Yesterday, I went surfing in at a place called Grunters >near a town called Margaret River which is on the west coast of >Australia. Surfing is very fun but super difficult especially when you >are just learning like I am. I have a friend here named Simon that is a >really good surfer and he was teaching me how to do it and be careful. >But I still got smashed by the waves and tossed around like a stuffed >animal, if you saw me you would have laughed really hard because when I >got finished I was so tired that I looked like I was a cat that someone >threw into a bathtub. A very wet, sad cat covered in sand and salt >water. Afterwards we decided to go fishing to try and catch some dinner >to eat later. The Australians we know call barbecues "barbies" and >whenever they talk about fixing dinner they say things like "Oy, mate, >we're gonna throw a fish on the barbie!" Which always makes me laugh >because I just picture them throwing a fish at a Barbie doll and think, >wow, that's going to taste weird. > I fished and fished but no fish were biting. Most of fishing is >standing around and waiting for a fish to get hungry enough to decide >to eat your bait. I was getting kind of bored when suddenly I had huge >strike on my line. BANG! Whatever had just grabbed my lure pulled so >hard and fast that I almost had my pole pulled from my hands. I fought >and fought and hung on for dear life, as much because I didn't want to >lose the pole or get pulled into the water and after about ten minutes >I reeled in a small shark! It was a baby shark but still about a foot >and half long. I instantly felt really guilty because you can't really >eat sharks and I just caused this poor animal a bunch of stress and >panic, plus, I am so scared of sharks I didn't know how to touch it and >get the hook out. Thankfully, the hook only went in near the shark's >lower lip and my friend Mark helped me hold the shark down so I could >pull the hook free without getting bitten. Then I told the shark I was >really sorry for disturbing it and hurting it and to tell the other >sharks that I am really a nice guy and please don't bite me if I am >ever swimming in the ocean and then I released it back into the sea. I >fished awhile longer but I didn't catch anything else at all. The shark >must have told everyone down there that I was fishing and to leave my >squid bait alone. I hope it told the other sharks about my nice deed >because I am still planning on swimming some more down here and it >would be horrible if the baby shark's mom or dad came to find to me. > >This morning, I woke up and we went spelunking in some caves just south >of Margaret River. These caves we went inside were HUGE. I have never >seen anything like them in my life. There were so many stalactites and >stalagmites and very odd cave formations and growths it was hard to >believe they were actually real. In this one cave called, Jewel Cave, >there were these calcium growths from the ceilings called "straws." >Straws are basically like a straw you use to drink milkshakes but they >are made from hard calcium so they are hard like a rock, but still very >fragile. Straws grow down from the ceilings of caves at a rate of about >two inches every fifty years and the longest one we saw was about ten >feet long! If you do the math you can figure out how old that straw is >and how long it has been growing. Actually, I am really bad at math, so >if you do figure out how old that straw is please tell me. Another cave >we visited called Lake Cave actually had a lake inside in it! Instead >of fish, it was full of blind albino shrimp. They are blind because >they live in total darkness so they don't need eyes, and they are >albino because there is no light to give them color. They look kind of >scary and we nicknamed them "Ghost Shrimp" because they looked like the >ghosts of all the shrimp I have ate over the years coming back to haunt >me. >Mmmmm, shrimp, so delicious, maybe I'll have some for dinner. Maybe >I'll throw a shrimp on the barbie! > >Well, those are just a few of my adventures down here in Australia and >I have attached some photos for you to look at so you can get a better >idea of what I am talking about. I will continue to pray for you Vava >and wish that everything turns out for the best during your coming >adventure. It might not be a fun, exciting adventure, but it is >different kind of adventure that sometimes life throws our way. I know >you will be brave and move through this dark patch with a strength like >no one else. And remember you have people all around you who love you >very much and will help you in any way they can. > >All my best, >Nick > >PS: When I was in the hospital one of my favorite things to eat in the >whole world was a little cup of crushed ice flavored with just a touch >of orange soda. It was like a little snowcone and tasted so delicious. >See if a nurse will make you one. Trust me, they are awesome. >PPS: I can't wait to hear about your adventures too, I bet already you >have some good stories to share.

Nater said

Love you Va!It was nice to hang with you yesterday. Did you make your list of songs you want on your iPod? I'll call your 'rents today and find out.

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Uncle John

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Cousin Ann


Fred and I just want you to know that you are being thought of way down here in Redding, California. You will be in our prayers. Your Uncle Don is also sending love and prayers (he isn't computer literate, so I'm speaking for him).

Love, Cousin Ann

cousin Martha

Dear Vava,

This is your cousin Martha emailing you from the heart of Mexico. I just received the email from Mary and wanted to respond pronto to send you lots of love and caring thoughts. Plus a big hug or abrazo as they say here. I am so glad you are surrounded by so much love of family and friends--I think it really helps us get better. Sounds like you've go a lot of great friends.

I will keep up with you via your blog, and be thinking of you!!

Much love,

Cousin Martha

From Va

i do not like this food vey tastes like well ur tipical hospital food!!!!! theres other ways to describe it but i'd rather not go down that road. lol. well first of all i have had about a million pokes, and not to mention prodes, and procedures and scans and xrays. :( lol. omg. :*) bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps, this is vava talking!!!!!!!

Peggy Said

It's great to get such detailed updates.Rose has been wonderful filling us in,but this has pictures!Tink has been a very good young lady,but I know she misses you all like crazy-especially you Va!
You all look beautiful and strong,as always.keep up the good work!
oxoxoxoxooox peg, brian,sammy and tink

A note from Uncle John April 1, 2007

Hey Va.
I added this page to your weblog so that we could send you words of love and support and lots of good juju. You don't have to reply to any of these posts if you don't want to, I just know that you have a massive cheering squad, and I'm guessing they'll all want to tell you how much they love you.
...I, of course, love you more than they do.

Uncle John